Get Deputy Editor Emily Dean's Jonathan Ross Halloween Party Look

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By Hirobillyssk At 21:52
Ever wondered what it's like to attend Jonathan Ross' infamous annual celeb-crammed halloween party? Well InStyle's own Emily Dean knows first hand. From gossiping with Kate Moss dressed as Cara to hanging with Scary Spice herself, Emily's zombie Dorothy look went down a treat (get it? trick or treat? Sorry we couldn't help ourselves). Check out how Emily created her spooky look...

1. The Dress When it comes to zombie Dorothy it's all about the dress. Now, we're not talking sexy zombie Dorothy ladies, the key is keeping it authentic Kansas. Emily bought her oh so adorable costume from Coventry costumiers Kenicky's Fancy Dress. Handmade to fit your individual size, this is halloween haute couture. So forget your factory-made pound shop purchase, only the best will do for haunting the Ross estate. Oh and did we mention they do free UK delivery? You can thank us later.
Emily Blunt The Jonathan Ross Show S03e6 09 22 2012
2. The Socks You're never going to achieve that 'butter wouldn't melt' true Dorothy look if you ignore the socks. Adding just the right amount of innocence to an otherwise horrifying costume, these Topshop ankle socks are the perfect finishing touch to those ruby slippers.

3. The Ruby Slippers Let's be honest, this is the key to the whole Dorothy look. And yes, it might also be a great excuse to buy a pair of ridiculously sparkly heels… Admittedly we're not fans of the sexy take on halloween (the sexy minion was just too far for us) but there's no reason why you can't embrace a more flattering heel than the classic flats. These jazzy New Look heels are spot on. Dorothy, eat your heart out.
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4. The Hair This costume is all about the finishing touches. After curling your hair into Dorothy-esque locks, tie it into two bunches and secure with hair ties. Complete the Dorothy do' by tying bows around each bunch with light blue ribbon to match your dress. This pastel blue ribbon from Hobbycraft is perfect for that sickly sweet look. For a professional finish do as Emily did and get celeb regular Lisa Hauck to nail your zombie hair and makeup.
By Hirobillyssk At 21:52
5. Toto Fact - Dorothy is nothing without Toto. We loved this West Highland Terrier from Amazon so much that we cut his eye out… Well it is a zombie costume! Transform Toto into the undead by taking out an eye and sewing it roughly back up with black thread (you can also sew on random stitches using the same thread for that classic Frankenstein look), then roughly cut sections out of the ears and finally splatter with a generous helping of fake blood. Yes, we know it sounds a bit crazy but a zombie Dorothy's gotta' do what a zombie Dorothy's gotta' do. And trust us, it will look awesome. You're not in Kansas anymore.


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